You have to work with various techniques, check if you are placing the keywords at the right place, you have to check for the right keyword density. If you are posting an article you have to be sure if the article is interesting enough for the readers, are the keywords given in the bold letters and on and on and on. The list is very lengthy but still, in this post, I am discussing the three most critical points that are necessary for making your SEO campaign a great success. You have to work individually for every keyword. And after that, if you are following organic methods and you are performing things properly, then you can guarantee results within 3 months of the starting date of the campaign. Three months is the minimum time that you can give anybody for sure shot results?  

1. Adding Alt Tags to your theme images

If you are using WordPress themes or any other similar content management system then it is your duty that when you create or design any theme for your website most webmasters forgot to add alt attributes to the images that are involved in your themes. When you are done with the website then start from the very beginning and check for all the missing tags and apply them as per the requirement. Take care of the fact that does not use the alt tags just for the SEO purposes, else Search engines won’t take a minute in finding the faults. It is important to use the alt tags for your images as well as for your website.  

2. W3C Compliant Coding

The code present on your website should be compliant and one and the only way to test this is to use the W3C validator. It is very difficult to validate the WordPress website because of some inherent issues with the WordPress site. But if the developer is intelligent and knows how to manage the things properly, they can make your website validate. Valid and compliant codes are important as they will make it much easier for the search engines to read your website clearly. Also, they will help the search engines in indexing your website and will eliminate the number of browser issues that maximum sites have. The quality compliant code will lead to quality usability on your website.  

3. Image Sizes

Being a webmaster, one must be aware of the fact that loading speed is very important for a website. Google has its own tools for testing the loading speed of your website and this gives a very big indication that something in this algorithm is searching for fast and quick loading sites. One major reason that makes your website slow is the size of the images that are present on your website. Make sure that these images are well optimized for the web and they don’t take long when the website opens. For WordPress user, Being an SEO analyst, I consider these three things as the most important factors to be taken care of. If you want your website to be on the top then take care of the given points in your SEO campaign.