Experts claim that having a paid domain on WordPress is a really good idea for those who want to make their portfolio a full blast. Indeed, this and other similar websites provide basic samples that ensure that you will make an impression on your potential employers. With that said, let’s move to the most crucial content you have to add to your portfolio. In this article, we have outlined a number of must-haves to cover as well as some frills. So consider these general tips and small tricks when tailoring your portfolio and increase your chances of success.  

Some basics


Strange to say, but some applicants forget about making a contact page clear and complete. Well, there is no way you can get a job if your visitors cannot reach you. It’s crucial to let them know how they can hire you. When you are a freelance writer, you should make this section as comprehensive as possible and inform your employers about the services you offer.  

About you

Introducing yourself and adding a photo is a must. You don’t have to write the memoirs – a couple of paragraphs will be just fine. Your voice here should match your customary writing style and it’s okay to make it even more casual than you are used to.  

Examples of your texts

Your writing samples are your chance to shine. Once you have hooked your visitors’ attention with a salutatory text and photo, the time has come to demonstrate the level of your professionalism. Include the best of your recent copies and provide links to them. Make sure to add the most relevant samples. It means that if you are looking for a job in a writing service, you have to include papers that correspond to this working place distinctiveness. You may add some visual elements or make a simple-looking list. The only thing you must be 100% assured of is that you are proud of the texts you display.  

Features that are nice to add

Social media links

If you have Facebook, Twitter or Instagram – include them in your portfolio. It’s an efficient way to let your employers get to know you better by seeing what you are interested in the Internet. We live in the online world, so make it easy to find and follow you on the social media platforms.  

Information about your latest or current projects

If you have any projects right now, don’t forget about showing them to let your visitors and let them be aware of your current activity. They will have a clear picture of your professional practices as a whole and focus on the aspects they are interested in.  


Don’t forget to include those amazing words your customers and editors have said about your work. If you have not collected any testimonials yet – just ask them to give short comments about your cooperation with them. Maybe some of your clients and proofreaders will need time to provide you with a feedback, but people who were found of working with you will surely respond quickly. Place their names and social media links in the portfolio to return a favor.  

Professional photo

As we have already said, locating a photo on your welcoming page is great, but adding a couple of professionally-looking shots is even greater. Remember that recent and good-looking photos make you recognizable in the field.  

More tips to make your portfolio outstanding


Blog sign up invitation

If you are a blogger or always wanted to become one – this is the best time to demonstrate your skills. Providing a signup form for your blog will help your visitors see the latest texts you have written and learned what topics interest you the most. Just don’t force yourself if you are not found of blogging. If this is not your cup of tea, then it will only distract you from your paid job.  

Press materials

If you have already published a large project or a book, make sure to include a downloadable pack of press materials. This pack usually contains your biography, press releases, information about the book/project, your photos, illustrations, a sample of text, and comments of well-known readers and critics (if available).  

Media content

Yes, it is absolutely striking. Make a short video, record an audio piece/podcast or create a slideshow. This will make your portfolio stand out.  

Take care of the linking

Creating a portfolio on a specialized website, make sure to link the pages among each other to let your visitors stay longer and learn more about you, your projects and skills. For example, locate links to the inner and outside links to your sites in the “About” section.  


Check the statistical data to learn how your visitors find you and what are they interested in. Most specialized websites offer in-built statistics tools, so you can use them for analysis. Also, this can be done through Google Analytics.  

Make the showing clear

A flood-looking website may discourage your potential employers from giving enough time and attention, but you want them to stay and learn more about you and your professional skills. Therefore, make all the areas of your portfolio accessible and easy to find. You are the only one who can make your portfolio excellent, so don’t forget to include the crucial basics and some additional stuff. If you already have an old version of this document, you can always upgrade it with some gravy elements. Do your best to include only the freshest information and review it from time to time to make sure that you are demonstrating your strongest traits in a portfolio.