Today, we, at Wetech Digital will let you know about not so known latest trends employed in the web development industry.

Progressive Web Application

Basically, these are websites or web applications that look akin to mobile apps, especially when we target the design and functionality. It is actually a connection of web browser and features of native mobile apps to bestow the user experience of the application. A few years before, Google was the proposer of PWA and holds various benefits. Some of these are push notification, instant loading, and increased conversions with the calibre of appending the PWA app to the home screen of the user.  

Appearance of Chatbots

The customer is a king, and he is always right! There are uncountable aphorisms that prove how the customer is important and valuable. To improve customer service and to keep the customers happy, business is always on the outlook. With chatbots, round the clock customer assistance is possible. The common queries get the answers by chatbots and also takes the users to reach to the correct information.  

Motion UI

A website should be easily navigable, simple and most importantly spontaneous. Here, popular among mobile apps, motion UI, arrives. By employing this, it becomes possible to build a well-designed and functional site. This is accomplished by making the use of headers, animations, hovers, and transition, to make the website look unique in the crowd.  

Blockchain Technology

Nowadays, the buzzword is blockchain. You may connect it with the cryptocurrency. But, primarily it permits collective information and data storage which is distributed across many computers all around the globe. This actually points out the failure to hack or destroy a blockchain, whereas the data is counted public and available for the needy. It can also be employed for the supply chain and decentralized storage of file among the others.  

Single Page Site

We are not so attentive as there is much more running outside, too many aspects that require our attention. As per the ongoing trend, the website is demanding to be a single page. This means entire information is stuck on a single page only that Is easily reached. By clicking on the links and scrolling throughout the page, distinctive parts can be reached. These type of sites perform well on the mobile. Additionally, the cost of design, development, and hosting is decided low because of the simple design. Change is never-ending and clutching, ‘a true status’ in this world of website development. This demands for being updated and leader in the business. Wetech Digital is an IT industry based in the UK. When it’s the job of the web application, we work hard from enterprise level portals of the web to the complex e-commerce websites. We too have worked for various industries. We offer scalability and integration with third-party tools. The security holds much importance and we feel full satisfaction in building secure web applications.