With iOS ruling the smartphone kingdom every developer is shifting to iOS app development. Moreover, there is a big rumour that iOS apps are easy to design and develop. So if you are naïve and new to the iOS development environment and need few tips on setting it up then here are few tips that will be worth a read.  

1. Buy a Mac

Investing in Mac is the first and most important step towards setting up an iOS development environment. Mac PC is pretty costly when compared to the other desktop OCs. Still, you can somehow fund and go for at least a Mac mini series. The choices are comparatively low but definitely Mac mini is an excellent and brilliant option for a startup iOS development. Even the price is as low as $599 or so. You can either prefer a higher end desktop model or server model. Whatever may be the system you choose you can comfortably upgrade the RAM by yourself. I prefer a quad-core CPU with minimum 4GB RAM and two 500 GB hard disks are essential for the startups.  

2. iPad is mandatory

So you have your PC to develop your apps but where are you going to check your apps? Here comes an iPad to your rescue. However, the confusion will still be there about which iPad should be preferred. You can very well go with an iPad 2 or iPad 3. A 16 GB capacity iPad will be sufficed. However, the only iPad will not take you to higher levels in development.  

3. iPhone is also necessary

Although you won’t need an iPhone initially if you are buying an iPad which may come around $499 or so. You can down the lane try to buy an iPhone which will be essential in the long run both as a personal user device as well as for your professional app development checking.  

4. A beginner’s guide


5. Apple iOS knowledge and experience

As a developer, you must be first well acquitted with the OS you are developing. If you are new to iOS then it will be difficult in setting up iOS development environment as soon as you go buy a Mac. At least a couple of years with iOS will make you comfortable with iOS app development. Nonetheless, if you are just too new to iOS then you must work on iOS usage basics for a couple of months before full fledgeling yourself into the app development environment.  


These are the 5 major initial tips that will be beneficial to help you gain knowledge on initial needs and necessities that will be essential in setting up an iOS development environment. These steps would be more than sufficient for a start-up however as times goes you need to get more updated and upgraded. Additionally, if you feel that the setting up of iOS app development environment is little expensive then you are wrong because these expenses will be nowhere in comparison to the joy of developing apps and the revenue those apps will get you.