Just 1$ a Year

By paying one dollar you can use whatsapp for Year. So any one can pay One dollar a year to send thousands of messages every year or even Unlimited. Its a quite good offer everyone rather then paying 10$ for telecom company for 100 messages you can send unlimited messages with 1 $ and GPRS connection or wifi. This thing made whatsapp to be so viral.

No Ads, Banner and Promotion

Whatsapp doesn’t have any ads space or banner promotions to Revenue their Income and what this thing did is it made whatsapp to see plane and nice rather than those irritating ads which make Users Fade up.

Availability in Major Platform’s

Whatsapp is available in all the major platforms like iOS, Android, Blackberry , Symbian etc. By this Platform Flexibility any user from any part of the world with any Platform can use this  whatsapp without any interruption.

Easy to use

  Whatsapp doesn’t need any crap login informations like facebook you can access it directly with one time verification.

User Friendly Interface

Its has User Friendly interface that even a 12 Year kid or even less i think so, Comment Below if any one near to you is using whatsapp below 12 year of age. It Got a sweet Background with easy to use buttons and options like Message seen, last seen etc.

It’s Fast

Whatsapp is the fast and it takes less broadband to send message compared to other instant messaging apps this is one of the major region why whatsapp is popular than other apps.

No Fake Profile’s

In facebook we can see create a fake profile out any verification using a mail, But in whatsapp you can’t cause it got mobile verification so its really hard to create a fake account i mean its impossible. Finally this thing made Facebook to Buy Whatsapp for $19 Billion and they worth it. Do you other reason why whatsapp is popular than comment Below.